To participate in the exercises and projects of the course, the following materials are required:
- 60 Letter size sheets of earth pack paper of 72 g / m2.
- 64 Sheets of Ivory paper of 90 g / m2 (4 sheets cut in 1/16 format).
- 64 Sheets of ivory linen paper of 90 g / m2 (8 sheets cut in 1/8 format)
- 24 Smooth bio-leather 18 gauge, honey color
- 15 Smooth bio- leather 18 gauge, dark brown color
- 25 Black kid leather
- 3 m / 120 in of 4 mm / 0.15 in flat suede cord, light brown color
- 0.5 / 20 in thick round black rubber (thick rubber thread)
- 2 m / 79 in of Pulley No. 2.
- 5 m / 197 in of 0.6 gauge thread in antelope color.
- 4 m / 158 in of 1.0 gauge thread in beige color.
- 0.5 Sheet of water sandpaper No. 320.
- 0.5 Sheet of water sandpaper No. 600.
- 1 Bottle glue for paper 245 g.
- 2 Eighth black Bristol card.
- 1 Cardboard paper sheet
- 1 Newspaper sheet.
- 2 Eighth 2 mm stoneboard
- 2 Eighth 28 base bond paper
- 2 Eighth beige cardboard paper